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Medical Animation and Communication

ADI-intellect has a versatile team honed with latest technology that makes medical communication accessible & affordable for healthcare industry

Innovative and Adaptive Designs in Clinical Studies

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had noted a decreased number of submissions for new drugs in 2004. This had raised FDA concern as pharmaceutical companies were slowly abandoning research for potentially life-saving drugs. The decreased interest of companies towards research had been associated with the growing costs and complexity of clinical trials. Read More 

Challenges and Emerging Opportunities in Cancer

Cancer is a condition in which the abnormal cells start to grow uncontrollably with the potential to destroy healthy tissues of the body. It is the 2nd leading cause of death in the world; about 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer. However, no specific cause has been detected for its development. Read More

Difficulties faced by the modern Healthcare and Medical industry

One of the common difficulties faced by the modern healthcare and medical industry is finding a simple method to convey fundamental data. With the introduction of 3D animation, the healthcare industry has seen a vast improvement and development in communicating comprehensive scientific information with clarity. Many medical device companies are using 3D animations with high-quality presentations to promote their products and making selling more accessible than ever. The graphics used in the 3D animation are so engaging that they make a clear image on the clients’ mind resulting in the presentation of competent information and ultimately increase in sales. By energizing their product introductions with the help of 3D animations, the companies develop quickly as compared with their competitors. Including the 3D videos into different digital sales enable the sales of a company to ascend over opposition companies.  For marketing of their products, various organizations are using digital promotion strategies, mainly social media through Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. In such a scenario, companies strategically leverage the benefits of 3D medical animation by incorporating videos to reach their target audience. The animated videos disclose the functionality, safety and usefulness of a medical device with its benefits to the medical community and society. A 3D animation also helps medical device companies in the acceptance of products from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  A professionally developed 3D animation video plays a significant role to gain immediate acceptance and appreciation from various clients of a medical device company.  

The Benefit of 3D Medical Animation for Medical Device Start-Ups

The medical innovation is progressing at a quick pace, therefore, it becomes essential to convey medical data in a simple and clear approach to everyone who uses and benefits from it. Nothing can visualize and illustrate medical device technology superior to a 3D medical animation. The use of 3D medical animations by pharmaceutical and medical organizations gives faster and an excellent understanding of the device. Read More

Source: http://adiintellect.com/blog/benefit-of-3d-medical-animation-for-medical-device-start-ups

Innovation in Pharmacovigilance: Use of Machine Learning

Pharmacovigilance (PV) is the pharmacological study relating to the collection, detection, assessment, monitoring, and prevention of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), i.e., side effects of medicinal products. Adverse drug reactions are one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in the world. Read More

Source: http://adiintellect.com/blog/innovation-in-pharmacovigilance-use-of-machine-learning

3D Medical Animation Services

If you are looking for 3D medical animation studio then Adi intellect is the best company to provide 3d medical animation services at affordable price.

Source: http://adiintellect.com/services/medical-animation

Depression is the most common mental disorder these days; it is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, biological, and psychological factors. It can happen at any age, but frequently begins in adulthood. Depression causes severe symptoms that disturb how you think, feel, and handle daily activities, such as eating, sleeping, or working. Depression is usually treated with medicines, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two.

Interpretation of Pharmacovigilance Regulations

Pharmacovigilance (PV) or drug safety is defined as the science and activities that are related to the collection, detection, assessment, monitoring and prevention of side effects (ie adverse drug reactions [ADRs]) of the marketed drugs. The safety information about the drug remains limited during its pre-authorization process which results in many consequences. Read more 

An Update on Regulatory Electronic Submission

The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C) has enacted a law under Section 745A(a) that the regulatory submissions including investigational new drug applications (INDs), new drug applications (NDAs), abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) and biologics license applications (BLAs) should be submitted in electronic format to Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Read More 

Advantages and Challenges with Multiple Expansion Cohort Design in Oncology Studies

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has provided a new type of study design for conducting Phase I first-in-human oncology studies. This design, known as a multiple expansion cohort (MEC) design, allows the sponsor to have multiple experimental groups in a single study simultaneously. Read More 

Early-Stage Challenges in Neurodegenerative Diseases and Optimal Drug Development Strategies

Neurodegenerative diseases are caused due to the progressive degeneration of brain function. These are age-dependent disorders which affect the neurons in the human brain and cause problems with body activities like breathing, heart function, ataxias or mental functioning (dementia). Read More

Virtual Clinical Studies

any clinical studies fail at the initial stages of the study as enough volunteers do not participate in the planned period of the study or most of the volunteers drop out before the end of the study. These issues can be solved to a great extent by conducting a virtual clinical study which is a newly explored method for gathering the safety and efficacy from the participants. Read more 

Surrogate Endpoints for the accelerated approval and Statistical Considerations

A surrogate endpoint or surrogate marker is any physical sign or laboratory measurement that can be used as a substitute (or surrogate) for a target outcome (or primary endpoint) of the clinical study. When the measurement of the target outcome is time-consuming and requires a larger number of patients, then, surrogate endpoints are decided, which are of higher precision and can be measured earlier with lesser patients and cost. Read more 

Source: http://adiintellect.com/blog/surrogate-endpoints-for-accelerated-approval-and-statistical-considerations

Interactive Digital Graphic Tool for Drug-induced Hepatotoxicity

Hepatotoxicity is the drug-induced destruction of the liver cells leading to a liver injury. Screening for hepatotoxicity is done as per Hy’s law ie, by checking for the elevated levels of liver enzymes such as aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) and also serum total bilirubin to a specific range.

Ocular Disease and Drug Development

Ocular or eye disease is a condition that can result in either complete loss of vision or in blurred vision. This can be major or minor and adversely affects the quality of life in both cases. Approximately 80% of eye diseases are caused by inherited defects. The retina (at the back of the eyeball) is affected by a variety of eye diseases which causes major blindness. If not cured, then it may lead to retinal cancer.